RAF Lancaster |
In early 1945, following the Battle of
the Bulge, Allied ground forces were still recovering from the German
assault and were not immediately ready to continue their march to the
Rhine. Eighth Air Force and RAF planners therefore decided their
best course in further weakening Germany was to bomb enemy positions
along the Eastern Front in support of the Russian ground offensive
since it seemed to have the best chance of ending the war by spring.
Otherwise, many feared, the conflict might drag on until the end of
the year. Selected bombing targets included Berlin, Leipzig,
Chemnitz, and Dresden, all major rail centers close to the Eastern
Front. Attacks on all of these cities, not just Dresden, were made
with the full understanding that they were filled with refugees from
the east and that the bombings would cause great dislocation, clogged
roads and railways, and high human casualties as well.
Churchill and Air Marshall Sir Arthur
“Bomber” Harris had long pressed for making eastern German cities
high-priority targets, and now USAAF General Carl “Tooey” Spaatz
waswilling to oblige and ordered the Eighth to strike Berlin on
February 3rd. But this time the target was not the railroad
marshalling yards, but the city center, the heart of the Reich and an
area of high civilian population.
8th Air Force Commander General Jimmie
Doolittle protested. American officials had long been sensitive
about bombing civilian targets. In a long-running debate among AAF
commanders Doolittle remained opposed to terror bombing on both
military and moral grounds. He felt that bombing a population into
submission had little chance of success and that it violated “the
basic American principle of precision bombing of targets of strictly
military significance for which our tactics were designed and our
crews trained and indoctrinated.” [Donald Miller Masters Of the Air, p. 419] Certainly
“precision bombing” rarely occurred and many American bombs fell
on German civilians, often because of bad weather and inadequate
technology, but Doolittle felt the intention should remain on
strategic targets. Spaatz overruled Doolittle and insisted the
attack proceed. On February 3, nearly 1000 bombers hit Berlin
causing 3000 deaths and making 120,000 homeless. 23 bombers were
downed by flak.
The next big city bombed was Dresden on
February 13-15. Some have argued that Dresden had no military
significance as a bombing target, but that is simply untrue.
Sometimes called Florence on the Elbe, Dresden was a beautiful city
known for its architecture, china ware, and spacious parks. But it
was also a key transportation hub, the nexus of three important rail
lines with twenty-eight trains carrying 20,000 troops a day toward
the east. For this reason the city’s Friedrichbahn marshalling
yards were considered one of the most important strategic
transportation targets. In addition, Dresden was a manufacturing
center for radar equipment, bomb fuses, gun sights, electronic
components, and poison gas. An American POW in Dresden, Col. Harold
E. Cook, confirmed, “I saw with my own eyes that Dresden was an
armed camp: thousands of German troops, tanks and artillery and miles
of freight cars loaded with supplies supporting and transporting
German logistics towards the east to meet the Russians.” [Miller
p.435] The city and the roads leading into it were also clogged with
over a half million refugees fleeing the Eastern Front, so bombing
roads, bridges, and rail lines there would cause much confusion and
further hinder the movement of German troops and materiel.
The Eighth had bombed Dresden twice
before, on October 7, 1944, and January 16, 1945, both times
targeting industry and rail lines near the marshalling yards, but
sparing the city’s historic core. The February ’45 attacks were
planned as a combined RAF-Eighth Air Force assault. This time the
RAF would have the first shot on February 13. The Eighth was to
follow up with daylight raids the following two days.
Dresden Before |
On the night of February 13, two waves
of over 800 RAF Lancasters dropped 2,700 tons of bombs on the city
center, a combination of explosive and incendiary devices, creating a
firestorm that incinerated or suffocated over 35,000 people, soldiers
and civilians, and turned much of the city to ash. This attack was
not much different from British tactics against other cities, but
this time unusual weather conditions of low humidity and cold, dry
air provided ideal conditions for a firestorm.
Dresden After |
“Bomber” Harris had long been an
advocate of area bombing of German cities to punish and demoralize
both the enemy’s military and civilian populations. Some have
tried to label Harris a war criminal for his attacks on cities and
civilian populations but I find it difficult to place much moral
blame on him; this was the type of air war England and Germany had
been fighting from the beginning. In 1940-41, after losing the
Battle of Britain in the air, Hitler unleashed “the Blitz,” a
nighttime bombing campaign against English cities intended to
destroy, demoralize, and terrorize the civilian population. Over
30,000 Londoners were killed in these attacks and over 50,000
injured. Coventry, a non-military target, was largely destroyed and
several other cities damaged and thousands more civilians killed or
injured. Harris responded with many of his own attacks against
German cities, including the 1943 firebombing of Hamburg which killed
at least 11,000 more people than the Dresden raid. And even as
Dresden was being bombed that February 13, German V-1 and V-2 rockets
were still raining down on civilians in English cities and towns.
Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris |
The blame for the destruction of German
cities ultimately lies with Hitler and his insane orders to fight to
the finish, no matter the cost to the German people. By 1945 the
American military command became convinced of the need for a hard war
to destroy the Reich. The Germans had started two world wars (at
least the Western Front in WWI) and must be thoroughly defeated. FDR
agreed: “It is of the utmost importance that every person in
Germany should realize that this time Germany is a defeated nation.
[That fact] collectively and individually, must be so impressed upon
them that they will hesitate to start any new war. Too many people
here and in England hold to the view that the German people as a
whole are not responsible for what has taken place—that only a few
Nazi leaders are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on
fact. The German people as a whole must have it driven home to them
that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy
against the decencies of modern civilization.” [Miller p.416]
Hitler |
The Eighth bombed Dresden again the two
days following the February 13th British raid. On February 14, over
300 B-17s appeared over the city, targeting mainly the marshalling
yards and adjacent industrial areas, although many bombs fell on
other parts of the beleaguered city as well. The damage might have
been worse but three bomb groups, led by the 398th, became
disoriented due to bad weather, PFF radar failure, and navigational
error, and bombed Prague, Czechoslovakia by mistake. This snafu and
the failure of most 398th planes to make it back to base that day set
the stage for Don Christensen’s first combat mission the next day on February
15. To read more about the Prague bombing, click here.
Kurt Vonnegut |
For many of my generation the
firebombing of Dresden was made infamous by Kurt Vonnegut in his
novel Slaughterhouse Five. Vonnegut and other American
infantrymen captured in the Battle of the Bulge were in Dresden as
part of a forced work detail and were housed in a concrete shelter
for pigs about to be slaughtered with the number five over the door.
He thought Dresden was “the loveliest city that most of the
Americans had ever seen.” When he and his fellow prisoners were
let out of the slaughterhouse the day following the firestorm, he
wrote, “Dresden was like the moon now, nothing but minerals. The
stones were hot. Everybody else in the neighborhood was dead.”
[Vonnegut p. 227] Unfortunately he did not place this in the context
of the larger war. It is understandable that he only experienced
this event through his own experience on the ground, but it has
influenced many people to believe that the bombing of Dresden was
nothing but a war crime perpetuated by the Allies.
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